I really have been having some fun the past few weeks. I have been shopping, going to the seamstress for measurements and fittings, trying on tiaras and simply loving every minute of it! Oh did I mention when I do these things I'm listening to Christmas music. I am! I know its September and I don't care. I love Christmas music. It helps to keep me in the Christmas spirit.
Shopping with my seamstress for the dress was fun. I love the fur! I don't know if she does! It kind of made a mess when she was making my dress. But, look...she is still smiling right? I think she was listening to Christmas music too while she made my dress.
She really pays attention to the details!
I was going to keep the dress reveal a secret until I could show it to you on me... but I just can't wait any longer. It's too beautiful not to share! I haven't been in yet for my final fitting just yet. I'm going very soon and I already have a photo session scheduled next week at Platinum Portraits. This is so exciting. So I because I'm a silly princess and I just can't keep a secret this good any longer I have to show the dress! I just have to. I think you may want one! You may want one for your little princess this Christmas. You should get one! Tessie could make one. Ahhh then we can be twinsies!!! Contact her! Send me an email if you want more information about her making you a dress.
Ok are you ready? Are you ready to see my dress? I can't wait to twirl in it!
And sing!
And dance!
And skip!
And laugh!
And jump!
Ok...ok...here it is... (pretend revealing princess music is playing)
What's next? Oh boy.... there are so many things that are going to be happening in October!
Next I will be sharing pictures from my photo session....and doing some Facebook lives with my author and creator Shannon Cunningham!
Get ready ...we are in for a fun Christmas Season.....
Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way....